Hack2Reflect | Refl’Action Online Hackathon
Hack2Reflect | Refl’Action Online Hackathon
On the 18th & 19th of February the organisations Youthmakers Hub, CPIE & Kamaleonte will organise an online transnational hackathon for Greek, French and Italian Participants with the title: Hack2Reflect. The 2-day hackathon is implemented under the Erasmus + Project Refl’Action with the Project’s Number: Project number: 2021-1-FR02-KA210-YOU-000031035
The participants from Greece, France and Italy will be separated into mixed groups in order to give solutions to the general challenge: How can reflective activities be integrated into society. More specifically the three thematics of the hackathon are:
- Reflection in Education
- Reflection in Working groups
- Reflection in Daily life
Find out more about the event here