
Activity 1: Transnational meeting in Corse

A transnational training in which trainers and researchers from the organizations involved will take part. The main purpose of this meeting is the exchange of good practices between the partners and to develop the frame of reference within which to progress. The activities in the physical events will be tested later in the physical events; through this testing phase, we will hold feedback sessions from qualified professionals to enhance the project experience.

Activity 2: Research

This research on reflective practices on how to bring them from the theoretical context to practical implementation will be one of the critical actions of this project. Starting from the already existing constructs of experiential learning such as Dewey, Schon, Kolb, and Lewin; including research in recent years concerning this area: from previous European projects to academic articles. Starting from all this, we will try to identify techniques to bring reflection, permanently, within the individual training cycle.

Activity 3: Physical events

Events at a local level (3 for each participating nation) in which participants will be involved in the activities planned during the transnational meeting, focused on the moment of reflection, and which will be followed by evaluation questionnaires. The activities will be based on the experiential learning methodology, based above all on the theoretical construct that will have been the result of the research.

Activity 4: Hackathon

The Hackaton is an online event lasting 48 hours in which numerous initiatives will be organized: – Webinars with pedagogical experts to deepen the knowledge and applicability of reflective practices in training courses and promote individual well-being on a physical, psychological and emotional level. – Interactive tables with the protagonists of the project to deepen the issues brought forward and the results of the research – Interactive activities with transnational participants on the project topics – Webinars on the opportunities of the Erasmus + program to approach a new audience: new young people from disadvantaged communities in the project countries who will be able to approach the Erasmus + program and who will have the chance to be new actors in future actions.

Activity 5: Transnational Training for Trainers

The training is organized in Italy; this joint staff training is a capacity-building event for staff/trainers, who will work in the education field and can use reflective practices The goals of the event are to: – share about the good practices to facilitate individual and group reflection; – share the first draft of data collection with the trainers participating; – brainstorm about ideas and suitable methods to promoting well-being through reflection; – strengthen Consortium partnership The activities will be based on the methodological approach of experiential learning that uses concrete experiences alternating with moments of reflection for better understanding.

Activity 6: Communication Kit

A timely communication kit that, through website, infographics, social media, newsletters, and vidcasts, will help raise awareness of the project and its results. The website will include informative material related to the project’s objectives and activities. The website will consist of dissemination material from all the critical actions of the project. Plus, an infographic will be published every three months. Infographics have proven effective in educational frameworks because they use images to show, explain, and enhance text-based information. The primary purpose of these will be to raise awareness on reflective practices and bring the public closer to project research. The infographics will function as an information and support document and will also be included in the final publication. c. Vidcast: Explanatory vidcasts of the project areas will be published almost every five months. Small theoretical pills to intrigue and raise awareness about project actions. These vidcasts may include interviews, interventions by experts in the sector.

Activity 7: Practice Brief “Refl’Action”

A book of almost 80 pages where we will collect all the results of the project’s research. It will be divided into a few sections that we can hypothesize: 1. Introduction 2. Historical review of reflection in an educational framework 3. Our thesis 4. Some example activities to use reflection in a good way 5. Letters from the training’s participants 6. Result of the questionnaire 7. Conclusion. Moreover, we will collect all the infographics produced during the project to help the understanding of the writing; this practice brief will be available in English, Italian, French, and Greek to reach as many people as possible.

Activity 8: Final Report

By the end of the project, a report will be developed including all the activities implemented, the reach of the activities, the evaluation of the project, the results from the Hackathon, and the practice brief named REFL’ACTIONS – Reflection as a good practice to promote well-being and the transferability of learning. For youth empowerment and to encourage an active lifestyle oriented towards conscious growth. The report will be digital and disseminated to a broader audience, including participants, stakeholders, and policymakers. This report will be available on projects’ and partners’ websites.